-- Everyone is encouraged to get out there as often as you can, so of course the "One Pilly Rule" will be waived for the duration of the competition.
Tips and Suggestions:
--Soloing on the same route as other officers will make more spawn in the one area --also you can attack each other's defeated spawn (which tend to be a little less feisty after taking the first beating) -- Remember you can add your ideas and suggestions, what is working, what is not, etc. to the forum pages so we can really work together as a team.
Prizes and giveaways Note: We need everyone to make sure they send in the correct information in order to be eligible for prizes. Please follow the instructions below so you know all your battles will be counted. Thank you
**Daily Poe Prize ** 1k will be given to each Officer for each getting 10 wins in one day .
(Send your screenshots to the crew email kbechers@hotmail.com) (note: you can earn more than one bonus each day that you have 10 wins , 20 wins in one day would earn you 2k, etc. )
**Raffle Tickets** Each Officer will earn a raffle ticket for each win during the pilly event (send a screenshot to the crew emailkbechers@hotmail.com)
1st Raffle Regardless of what we win from the "pilly event" every officer who submits at least 20 wins over the course of the event will be entered in a raffle to win a limited edition sloop.
(note: each win is a separate ticket)
**Crew Auction Points** Each Officer will receive 15 crew auction points for each win during the pilly event (send a screenshot to the crew emailkbechers@hotmail.com)
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Ahoy matey!
Enjoy the site and let's use our forum to talk about every aspect of this game we all love. Our crew is full of action and we can be proud to be the number one crew on Cobalt!
Wanna join?
If your not yet a member of K bec her's, join the fun! Ask an officer to invite you in the crew. We are a welcoming group for all kind of players.
See the section - Looking for a promotion - to see what rank you would get.
Need help?
To talk to the administrator, send a mail to: kbechers@hotmail.com